sweet bowl of cherries

Sunday, August 04, 2002
oh yeah, i've been reading this french dude barthes lately, i don't know if you got any of that in your criticism class, but there's a whole theory of semiotics and structralism that i wanna talk about, which is applicable to our movie in some manner. i'll post when i get the whole thing sorted out.


The first line of OUR script will be the first line of HIS script which will be the first thing he sees and the first line of his internal narration. The sight of the object compels him to follow it and thus begins his trip which unravels across San Francisco in the next forty eight sleepless hours.

The line is a concrete sentence involving subject, verb and object.

I.E.: The girl with the red purse weaves through the sidewalk and the camera follows.

Our camera does exactly that. At the same moment, our protagonist (let's call him Oedipus for now) follows, while he's narrating it (because that's his habit). And of course he's following because the scene is the exact first line of his own movie.

also the script for the film should be held in a better receptacle than a red folder or whatever. what are manuscripts usually held in? yellow envelopes? there needs to be something less boring.