sweet bowl of cherries

Sunday, June 30, 2002
the name change seems to be in effect only in this blog form, but not in the ultmate, web browsing form. fortunately, i have no idea how to remedy this and it will probably be a unpleasing thorn in our side. a pockmark in smooth face of perfection. three hours and counting to the brazil/germany world cup final. so i had a thought, a general sketch, or outline, if you will. we should focus our movie on just one writer. the predicament of the writer should be that of our predicament. we like art. all kinds of art. and we know we wanna make it. but not just ape it, and especially not the pre-packaged sanitized pop mass media stuff, but our own shit with irregularities and personal quirks. so it is with our main character. but he's stuck. not blocked like grady from wonder boys, but almost the opposite, stuck with too many paths and choices. so he decides that he needs more life experience before he can really create anything and plunges himself into "the scene". i guess thats a preliminary backstory. on the way, i see him getting involved in incredibly strange side projects invovling a number of colorful people. it sets the stage for a huge variety of different things to happen, but i was thinking some disturbingly familiar yet altogether new event would lead him deep into an underground, which ultimately reveals truths about himself ... a la crying lot of 49. or maybe a mulholland drive without all the second half silliness and changing of bodies.

also, i'm not entirely happy with the setting of the seventies. we dont know anything about the seventies, but we have a large stock of stereotypical seventies images. i think it would be hard to depict the seventies without resorting to cliche. i think that our modern era is interesting enough in itself.

george out and to bed.